Your trusted Registered NDIS Provider

Empowering families and providing opportunities for growth

Supporting individuals and families in South West Sydney, DeEd NSW is more than just a service – it’s a commitment to excellence, understanding and progress. Let us be part of your journey.

Your trusted Registered NDIS Provider

Empowering Journeys and Transforming Lives

Supporting individuals and families in South West Sydney, DeEd NSW is more than just a service – it’s a commitment to excellence, understanding, and progress. Let us be a part of your journey.

We support the NDIS logo
The ocean rolling into the sand with rocks to the left and cloud cover

Your Partner in Holistic Support

At DeEd NSW, we understand that every individual’s journey is unique. Registered as a NDIS provider since 2019, we quickly made our mark in South West Sydney with our signature approach: The DeEd Difference. We are registered across all NDIS categories and accept fee for service for those who do not have NDIS funding. We also work with those plan or self-managed.

Empowering Through Skill-Building and Independence

Confidence comes with knowledge. Being empowered is having accurate information and skills to be
assertive and in control of your life. Our approach fosters independence, promotes social inclusion
and improves quality of life.

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Developmental Education Therapy

Tailored strategies, using your strengths to nurture growth to achieve your full potential

Assist families with NDIS processes

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Positive Behaviour Support

Improving quality of life

Functional Behaviour Assessments

Plan implementation & training

Cartoon smiley face holding three balls of thread as if they were balloons

Therapeutic Support

Working with adolescents and adults, most disabilities

Individual therapy or in small groups

Develop goals & the pathway to achieve them

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Respite/Short Term Accommodation

Providing carers with a break from caring roles

Clients improve independence skills while having fun

Opportunities to practice skills taught in therapy

Cartoon of two balls of thread holding hands with smiley face

Transitioning Across Life Stages

Evidence-based programs taught individually or in small parent groups

Tuning into Kids, Tuning into Teens, PEERS, Zones of Regulation, Collaborative and Proactive Solutions (CPS-Ross Green)

Cartoon of 2 speech bubbles, one with ball of thread in the middle


Comprehensive assessments focussed on everyday living skills

Sensory profiles, Vinelands, Functional Assessments

Collaborative and Comprehensive Approach

Our service isn’t a one-size-fits-all. Existing clients love having Deed in their lives, walking the journey alongside them. We support the person with disability, their families and carers across multiple environments. 

Our teaching is adapted to the way in which you learn best. We promote common vocabulary and similar teaching styles at home, school and out in the community. This increases the likelihood of progress and minimises client confusion. With everyone on the same page, we make the most of every opportunity to encourage new skills.

Happy teenage boy talking with counsellor
Young boy outside standing on grass near beach feeding the penguins

Why Choose DeEd NSW?

The name, DeEd originated from the title of Developmental Educator. Graduates of a Bachelor of Disability & Developmental Education from Flinders University may register as DE’s with our professional body, DEAI.

Our families report that they love the wrap-around approach that DE’s provide.

“Kay is one in a million”

Navigating NDIS processes and caring for someone with a disability can often feel overwhelming. Liaising with the therapists, keeping up with the paperwork and caring responsibilities often leaves carers feeling fatigued and burnt-out.

DeEd was born, knowing that we would be different. Our energy and enthusiasm are contagious, our compassion and understanding are felt and most importantly, you are heard!

Every step we take, every program we design, and every individual we serve is a testament to our commitment to changing lives. Experience the DeEd Difference today and join us in a journey where our passion has purpose, and dreams become reality.